Josh Catone explained in a recent Mashable article why e-books are not necessarily better than physical books. While being able to download thousands of essays, reports and books into one digital location is convenient, there is something about holding bounded paper in his hands that he is not willing to give up.

This is a feeling shared by many, even as the popularity of iPads, Kindles and Nooks continue to grow.

Joe Queenan wrote a Wall Street Journal contribution piece that explained how some individuals will continue to flock to physical books, even in a digital world. According to Queenan, e-books are great for people who only care about the content, have vision problems or are ashamed about what they’re reading. But, for those who truly love books, it’s necessary to have a real book in their hands.

“Some people may find this attitude baffling, arguing that books are merely objects that take up space,” Mod wrote. “This is true, but so are Prague and your kids and the Sistine Chapel.”

Additionally, Catone explained that books are collectible and nostalgic. E-books aren’t necessarily a better format replacing an inferior one – they offer a completely different experience for readers. Print does not have to disappear in order for digital reading to flourish and vice versa.

Businesses that rely on physical product should keep this in mind when trying to meet the needs of their customers. To ensure that professional items can be created, companies should invest in laminating machines. This can keep important images or documents protected, and will decrease the need to make multiple prints.

Additionally, custom folders and binders can help in organizing various papers. Without a designated place for important documents, things can easily become lost, which will not benefit any organization.