Even as technology continues to grow more prevalent, and more individuals push for digital news sources, companies can still find profitable ways to use paper. Magazines have taken new advertising approaches and many businesses have found that direct mail campaigns are still an effectiveway to reach customers.

One Washington D.C.-based restaurant is taking aunique approach in bringing the latest news to its patrons. Old Ebbitt Grill launched a new program called “The Latest News,” where news and advertisementsare printed on restaurant receipts. According to a Print Signal press release, diners are being handed a separate “news receipt” with the latest headlines from the Associated Press.

Print Signal Corp. is a startup that was brought on to run the program and will select AP headlines that are of particular interest to host sites in each city. The restaurant is using MICROS Systems software to receive the news updates.

Domtar, one of the world’s largest paper manufacturers, is an initial advertiser for “The Latest News.” The company has been telling Ebbit patrons, “Paper is good. Pass it on.”

“Just like the Old Ebbitt Grill has long been influential in Washington, so has paper,” Kathy Wholley, director of advertising and communications for Domtar, said in the press release. “And just like the presidents, dignitaries and celebrities who continue to dine in the Old Ebbitt, this project will help educate and entertain customers, stimulating conversation and showing one of the reasons paper continues to be so vital.”

For companies that don’t rely on receipts, and want to further integrate paper into their daily operations, professional lamination equipment would bea wise investment. This will ensure that documents remain durable. Furthermore, quality binding supplies can keep pages organized and held together with a polished appearance.

To prove that paper is still a viable source of advertising, businesses need to offer an expertly finished product.