As technology continues to grow at an exponential rate, individuals find themselves more attached to their smartphones, tablets and computers. Facebook posts and tweets are even becoming common forms of communication for businesses and organizations. However, a select few still participate in the art of letter writing.

The Letter Writer’s Alliance (LWA) holds monthly and seasonal events, open to anyone and free of charge, designed to encourage individuals to continue using the seemingly forgotten way of communication. The most recent event took place in Chicago, at the end of last month, at the Read/Write Library. Appleton Coated provided complimentary, special edition stationery designed specifically for the event.

“We are happy to support the art of letter writing and the power of paper-based correspondence to transcend the boundaries of time and geography,” Ferkó Goldinger, Appleton advertising and promoting manager said in a press release. Goldinger himself is also a member of the LWA.

Kathy Zadrozny, one of the co-founders of the LWA, said that a handwritten letter is a “rare and wondrous item” and her company is dedicated to preserving the art form. Regardless of increasing postal rates or the threat of late deliveries, Zadrozny said they plan to stay true to their mission.

In order to preserve the memory of handwritten letters, and prevent them from aging over time, organizations should invest in laminating equipment. While individual writers keep the art form alive, extra steps need to be taken to ensure that the product will continue to last.

Additionally, custom presentation binders can store preserved letters in a neat and orderly fashion. The paper memories will not be lost amongst the clutter in desks or drawers while being kept in a secure binder.