Faulty or lackluster equipment puts any organization at the risk of being unproductive or unsuccessful. Previously underlined in this blog is the importance of the printing industry ensuring that it’s taking enough initiative in improving quality control and downtime in everyday operations.

Modern Mail & Print Solutions is making sure to follow this path, as the printing company recently acquired new equipment to increase the amount of product created on a daily basis.

“Our production staff in the mail room is extremely excited about the new Flowmaster 12000 as it can double production times with only one operator,” Shane Cosser, vice president of operations for Modern Mail said in a press release. “We’re now able to offer something to our clients we’ve never been able to before, while making our own processes more efficient.”

Hollywood is also taking notice of the need to stay atop the printing industry, with its upcoming film, “ParaNorman.” According to a 3D Systems Corporation statement, the company used its first ever full color 3D printer to complete the stop-motion animated film. The device allowed the animation studio to create over 31,000 individual, color facial parts for production.

Other businesses should take note, as customers will want quality products made in a short amount of time, and with a uniform and professional appearance.

As such, when it comes to document finishing, wide format laminators will be able to take the new style of printing to another level, by properly protecting the end document or image in a cost-efficient way that will best implement the time of company workers.

Another time-saving product companies should consider investing in are paper folding machines. That way, if brochures or pamphlets need to be created for a mass audience, the valuable time of employees will not be compromised, as the machine will be able to create orderly and identical folds at a faster pace.